Volunteers (updated 3/11)
Here is the current list of volunteers, along with a rough list of what each volunteer focuses on. In addition to the information below, many of the volunteers post flyers throughout the area. Send an e-mail with updates, additions, or corrections.
- Mary Anne -- Checks Florissant Animal Control and North County Animal Control.
- Yvonne -- Coordinates on possible spottings.
- Wendy
- Kim -- Checks Macklind Humane Society.
- Melissa -- Real-estate agent in the area.
- Lisa -- Checks County Animal Control at Seven Hills, Florissant Animal Control, Animal Control on Hunter.
- Kathy -- Checks the St. Charles Humane Society.
- Tina
- Kelly
- Tom -- Maintains the web site.
- Aswini -- New volunteer -- Welcome and thanks Aswini!!
- Ginny & Robert
- Carolyn -- Fields calls on possible sightings. Monitors the gmail account. Makes sure the shelters are being checked.
- Marsha -- Checks Florissant Animal Control and North County Animal Control.
- Tracy
- Sharon
- Vita -- Checks APA.
- Deborah -- Coordinates on possible spottings. Donates services from her business.
- Mary -- Checks Maryland Heights Humane Society, Animal Control on Hunter, APA.